Consultation des structures de recherche

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des structures.

ind name sigle typestruct adresse url debut fin ACTIONS
150901 Complex Genetics Section, Department of Biomedical Genetics laboratory Utrecht 3584
115037 Experimental Cardiology Laboratory laboratory
131620 Pediatric Pulmonology laboratory 3584 EA;Utrecht
131621 Department of Pediatric Infectiouse Diseases laboratory Utrecht
131623 Department of Pediatric Pulmonology laboratory Utrecht
161613 Pathology laboratory
161931 Department of Medical Microbiology laboratory
167965 Department of Medical Genetics laboratory Heidelberglaan 100, Utrecht 3584 CX
182468 Molecular Cancer Research laboratory P.O. Box 85060, 3508 AB Utrecht,
171600 Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases laboratory Utrecht
171601 Faculty of Medicine laboratory Utrecht
171603 Virology and Microbiology laboratory Utrecht
172036 Gastroenterology and hepatology laboratory 3584 CX;Utrecht
172037 Gastroenterology and Hepatology laboratory Utrecht
172038 Gastroenterology laboratory 3584 CX;Utrecht
185466 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Universiteitsweg 100, 3584 CX Utrecht
184405 Department of Clinical Molecular Genetics laboratory Utrecht
169334 Julius Centre laboratory Utrecht
169335 Julius Centre laboratory 3584 CX;Utrecht
172965 Julius Centre for Health Sciences & Primary Care laboratory Utrecht
192349 Experimental Cardiology Laboratory laboratory
193262 Complex Genetics Section laboratory Department of Medical Genetics, Utrecht
207341 Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Utrecht University, PO Box 85500, 3508, GA, Utrecht
170235 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Room: Str 6.131, Universiteitsweg 100;3508 GA;Utrecht
170236 The Department of Radiology laboratory Heidelberglaan 100;3584 CX;Utrecht
182788 Department of Rheumatology laboratory Utrecht
193958 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology laboratory
193959 Department of Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases laboratory
163865 Medical Genetics laboratory Utrecht
163948 Department of Medical Genetics laboratory Utrecht
187286 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Utrecht
187300 Department of Clinical Pharmacy laboratory 3508 GA;Utrecht
187302 Department of Clinical Chemistry and Haematology laboratory Utrecht
187409 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary care laboratory
199480 Department of Hematology UMCU laboratory Department of Hematology, University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands
199484 Department of Internal Medicine GCM laboratory Department of Internal Medicine, Diakonessenhuis Utrecht
166466 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory
167167 Department of Medical Genetics laboratory 3584 EA Utrecht
176741 Gastroenterology laboratory 3509GA;Utrecht
189086 Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases laboratory
165595 Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care laboratory Utrecht
177640 Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience laboratory A 01.468;3508 GA;Utrecht
177641 Department of General Paediatrics laboratory Utrecht
177654 Deaprtment of Clinical Genetics laboratory Utrecht
177874 Division of Internal Medicine laboratory Utrecht
177983 Department of Medical Genetics [Utrecht] laboratory Utrecht
177989 Department of Biomedical Genetics laboratory Utrecht
233925 Department of Cardiology, UMC Utrecht laboratory Utrecht
243305 Laboratorium Translationele Immunologie [Utrecht] laboratory Heidelberglaan 1003584 CX Utrecht
243306 Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics [Utrecht] laboratory Department of BiologyFaculty of ScienceUtrecht UniversityPadualaan 83584 CH